14 November 2024
Round table organized by NGOs to highlight the essential role of religions and spiritual traditions in developing a culture of peace and non-violence through education. Table ronde organisée par les ONG, pour mettre en lumière le rôle essentiel des religions et des traditions spirituelles dans le développement d'une culture de la paix et de la non-violence par l'éducation.
We look forward to seeing you there!
14 November 2024
The UIA Round Tables give the opportunity to representatives of international associations to network with colleagues from other associations and countries and to share - through workshops and discussion groups - their experiences in meeting challenges in communication issues, strategy and governance, finding partners for their goals and more. Join us for an incredible opportunity to connect, learn, and share best practices with association professionals from across Europe. This premier event will feature inspiring speakers, insightful sessions, and unparalleled networking opportunities. Whether you're looking to enhance your association management skills, explore new strategies, or simply connect with peers, the UIA Associations Round Table Europe 2024 is the place to be. Don't miss out on the chance to be part of the future of associations in Europe.
We look forward to seeing you there!
11 October 2024
The UIA Associations Round Table Brussels 2023 is an event designed for participants working in and with international associations, and we hope to see many of you in Brussels! Thanks to the support of our Premium Partner Destination Canada, our Platinum Partner visit brussels and further sponsors and partners, we are able to offer a high-level educational programme for a low fee: • the registration fee for Round Table Brussels 2023 is EUR 85.00 (plus 21% VAT) To register for Round Table Brussels, go to https://uia.org/roundtable/2023/bxl/register
You are welcome to register any number of delegates; each of your delegates will need to register separately. What you can expect:
• presentations on common challenges by peers working in international associations and by experts
• discussions in workshops and break-out rooms with the chance to ask in-depth questions and to share and exchange knowledge and experience
• UIA team members will moderate the sessions throughout, guiding and assisting the delegates
• networking breaks, lunch, cocktail reception
10 October 2024
In some parts of the world, including the one we are currently dealing with, there are populations of migrants, displaced persons or people in precarious situations. These people need to acquire learning that is not only formal (know-how necessary for the exercise of a profession) but essentially non-formal, in order to be able to overcome the traumas they have experienced, gain self-confidence, develop collective projects, convince interlocutors (political, financial), etc. Unfortunately, it is foreseeable that other similar situations will be repeated in the future, whether for geopolitical or climatic conflicts. An experiment carried out according to the rules of the art in one of these regions should make it possible to draw useful lessons in the near and distant future.
10 October 2024
The CMAtlv has initiated, coordinated and implemented the CAMPLUS project, since
the end of 2021, in partnership with: the Polytechnic University of Erbil (UPE) and
European organizations: IED, Larissa-Greece; WHKT-Germany; IRSEI and CEIPES-
Italy and VPL Netherlands. The CAMPLUS action was tested on two sites: camps in Kurdistan-Iraq, under the leadership of the UPE and in Larissa in Greece by IED. This project aims to empower the target audience but also to provide assistance in
the development of micro-projects of collective interest of all kinds.
The CMAtlv and its partners will present the conclusions and results of the project as
well as the tools developed, which will be made available to all free of charge via an interactive platform. We also want to give the floor to NGOs and other organizations so that they can ask
their questions and provide testimonies. It is about sharing our experiences and disseminating as many good practices as possible.
21 September 2024
Under the aegis of Michel THOUZEAU (IAEP), a collective group of NGOs in official partnership with UNESCO invites you to join them in celebrating the INTERNATIONAL DAY OF PEACE 2024 on the theme Sharing Dance For Peace , a project approved by the ICNGO 2022. The objective is to create an international and intergenerational dynamic of dances for peace.
The dance groups relayed by our NGOs around the world, will commit to participate in the celebration of the International Day of Peace, at local , national, regional and international levels. Send a photo, a snapshot of a dance moment and a 2-minute teaser of the choreography or flasmob. A film will be shared on social networks as well as a photo exhibition and a videoconference. On September 21, 2024, we will collectively, locally and virtually celebrate the International Day of Peace and Non-Violence.
20 September 2024
On 20 September 2024 at 7:30 pm, at UNESCO House ( sale 1) the “Melody for Dialogue Among Civilizations” Association will organize a choral symphony concert titled “Earth, Home!” under the baton of Maestro Wang Ning of China. This concert will be accompanied by a 3 D video and with 165 musicians and singers on the stage.
22 July 2024
Co-convened by WCCES and UNESCO, at Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, from 22-26 July 2024, the XVIII WCCES World Congress will be a unique venue to bring together constituent societies and their members, other scholars, researchers, policy-makers, community leaders, and stakeholders. The theme, Fostering Inclusive Ecologies of Knowledge: Education for equitable and sustainable futures, has been chosen to stimulate dialogue and reflections on the futures of international and comparative education. Twenty-five years since the publication of ‘Decolonizing Methodologies: Research and Indigenous Peoples’ we must continue to engage with the rich diversity of ecologies of knowledge and reflect on implications of these for education and research, policy and practice. International and comparative education provides an intellectual space for world epistemologies and the production of knowledge for social transformation. Our field is a powerful force for reimagining our futures together and shaping more just, inclusive, and sustainable futures for all.
18 June 2024
To professionals and students in the field of education and human rights: Join us for the second edition of the OIDEL Summer University in Geneva, Switzerland! Immerse yourself in discussions on:
➡ International Human Rights Debates and Advocacy Pathways for Sustainable Education
➡ Children, Parents, Civil Society: Contradicting Approaches to the Right to Education
➡ Educational Pluralism and Cultural Discussions
Education experts from different continents and institutions will assist you in getting a more profound understanding of the right to education and equip you to take action in your context.
4 December 2023
UNESCO and Plan International are pleased to invite you to the international webinar Every learner matters: Disability inclusion and gender equality in education that will take place on Monday 4 December 2023, from 13:00 to 14:30 (CET), on the occasion of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities (3 December).
The commitment of eliminating barriers to education and creating accessible and inclusive learning environments, as marked in the 2030 Agenda of Sustainable Development, is essential to leave no learner behind.
While progress has been made, the inclusion of learners with disabilities in education demands going beyond access and providing adequate infrastructure: it is also a matter of assuring their participation, learning progression and attainment, and creating safe and inclusive learning environments.
To ensure that the right to education is fully guaranteed, we must understand and tackle the roots of exclusion and discrimination. Gender inequality is a compounding factor of exclusion of learners with disabilities. For this, education systems must be disability inclusive as well as gender transformative.
The theme of this year’s webinar focuses on disability and gender inequality as intersecting challenges to education. It will also address key topics as comprehensive sexuality education, bullying and violence, school health and nutrition. Examples of good practices from different regions of the world will be presented by a wide range of experts and stakeholders.
The event will take place through the Zoom platform and will be available in English, French and Spanish with International Sign Language interpretation. Automatic closed captions will be provided through Zoom.
15 November 2023
Movement is the essence of life, a realisation that Maria Montessori artfully wove into numerous learning opportunities. It remains one of the hallmark features of her approach to human development, spanning from our earliest moments in life to the very end. In our upcoming AMI Talk, we are joined by three exceptional presenters who will delve into the crucial elements that contribute to refining motor skills and amplifying the joy of physical activity.
Our first speaker is the globally renowned Professor Adele Diamond, a pioneer in the field of developmental cognitive neuroscience. She will be discussing the profound significance of music, dance, and movement in her presentation. Following Professor Diamond's talk, we have the privilege of hearing from the two visionaries behind Montessori Sports, Ruben Jongkind and Patrick Oudejans. They will share their perspective on how "Sport is a key to educate human potential."
11 November 2023
This year's three-day virtual conference will highlight education or training, practice, and research geared toward increasing mental health equity through counseling and other initiatives that focus on history, challenges, and resilience of the individual, community, culture, and country. Participants will learn about counseling through an international and diverse lens and receive insight about counseling and mental health initiatives and movement toward counseling professionalization from speakers across the globe.
Learning Objectives:
1. Participants will learn about the state of counseling and mental health outside of the United States.
2. Participants will learn about initiatives in education or training, practice, and research that build equity with diverse populations both outside and inside of the United States.
3. Participants will learn about partnerships toward advancing mental health equity in communities worldwide.
17 October 2023
This round table aims to explore the "Merging of Knowledge" process which fosters equitable dialogue between academics, professionals, and people living in extreme poverty. This process has been used in numerous research studies validated by prestigious universities (Oxford, UAM de Mexico, Sorbonne, CNRS, Joseph Ki Zerbo). It contributes to implementing the UNESCO recommendation "Inclusive and resilient societies" : the fight against inequality and exclusion requires the active involvement of citizens throughout the political cycle, in particular by involving in decision-making processes those who have limited access to services or are marginalized.
25-29 October 2023
We aim to formulate tangible proposals for the EU, focusing on several environmental aspects.
The event will include a diverse range of creative workshops and activities.
Participants, aged 16 to 99, will have the opportunity to voice their findings and experiences on environmental themes such as:
We will bring together participants from all over Europe. Through dialogues and interactions, they will collaboratively explore pathways towards a more sustainable future. Your input is invaluable as well, as it contributes to shaping the meaningful discussions required to transform these proposals into a collective voice representing citizens throughout Europe.
21 September 2023
Since 2014, under the support of UNESCO, Beijing International Peace Culture Foundation has been organizing Peace Garden Peace Festival on the International Day of Peace in Beijing for 9 consecutive years. Leaders of various nations, diplomatic envoys in China, representatives of international organizations, experts and scholars and youth delegates had released peace doves on the festival and delivered excellent speeches on topics including easing tensions in conflict regions, global governance, cross-civilization collaboration, “Belt&Road”, youth development etc..The calling for peace by representatives from over 100 countries had attracted extensive media attention and received high praise from the international community. This year, BJIPCF is to organize the 10th “Peace Garden Peace Festival”, under the theme of "Global Peace with no War",,together with the awarding ceremony of the 5th "Youth Eyes on the Silk Road International Photo Contest"organized by UNESCO .
26-28 July 2023
Every summer in Gannat, the Festival Les Cultures du Monde, a space for the promotion of living heritage.
Since its creation in 1974, the Festival Les Cultures du Monde de Gannat has been promoting cultural heritage every summer.
heritage (ICH) by inviting different groups of practitioners, guardians or bearers of this living heritage.
During the 49th edition of the festival this year, you will discover: the Mongolian art of Khoomei singing, Calligraphy
Arabic, Argentinian Chamamé, Irish uilleann piping, the practice of Cabrette and Maloya.
28 July 2023
In 2023, the Association Nationale Cultures du Monde, an NGO official partner of Unesco, will offer, as part of the 49 Festival Les Cultures du Monde de Gannat, a central place in the celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Unesco Convention for the Safeguarding of Heritage Intangible Cultural (2003).
It will be a moment of dialogue for the actors and the invited structures, local, national and international, associations and NGOs, which share the same objective, the implementation of the convention.
A program of debates, conferences and round tables in which the various structures and cultural actors invited will participate, including:
• The Regional Observatory of the Guyanese Carnival
• The NGO TOWARA of Benin
• The House of World Cultures - French Center for Intangible Cultural Heritage (MCM-CFPCI)
• The World Island Association
• The Auvergne Territories Music Agency (AMTA)
• The International Council of Organizations of Folklore Festivals and Traditional Arts (CIOFF International)
Each year, we propose to create a series of awareness videos to present heritage in a simple and didactic way: ICH for all. The videos provide visibility to the elements included in the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity as well as to the elements appearing on the inventory of ICH in France.
Season 2 (2023):
-The companionship
-The ritual ceremony of the Voladores
-The practice of the cabrette or musette
-The gastronomic meal of the French
Season 1 (2022)
-Introductory video - Notion of PCI
-The fest-noz
-Tahteeb, stick game
-The tango
-The art of dry stone construction
4 July 2023
You are invited to join the conference "Toward united human values". This conference aims at supporting the initiatives by young people, intellectuals and the media with a view to enhance the culture of peace and unity and promote the principles of morality, mutual understanding and universal human values by creating global awareness on the need for harmony and unity in the world.
“Living in diversity” and “diversity in unity”. A roundtable organized by the Ministry of endowments and Religious Affairs of the Sultanate of Oman and the Association Baraza.
"Richness and challenges of the contribution of interreligious and intercultural dialogue to education, to a culture of peace and non- violence and to education for global citizenship". A round table organized by the NGOs, supported by the NGO-UNESCO Liaison Committee
13 May 2023
Since 2021, the Pax Christi Movement has been engaged in a cycle of reflection on the fractures dividing French society, with the aim of creating spaces for exchange and understanding to move towards a peaceful society. After the course of reflection “From security to peace”, the Movement is proposing this year a colloquium entitled “Deconstructing hate speech”. It is a question of understanding the origins of these discourses, their modes of construction and above all of finding the means of acting to limit their production and scope. This symposium, built in an interreligious approach, is the result of a partnership between Pax Christi and the World Conference of Religions for Peace. Head of establishment, magistrate, police officer, journalist, academics, actors from the associative world will be invited to testify and to exchange during round tables and workshops.
13 December 2022
Enlightened Human Resources The XVIII United Nations Career Roundtable that takes place at UNESCO’s Headquarters in Paris, gathering some three hundreds Human Resources specialists coming from all over the world, will be closed by the exhibition-event DANCER INSIDE PARIS of the photographer and architect Simone Ghera. He is from Rome, based in Berlin and has been a member of the CID, International Dance Council (NGO affiliated to UNESCO) for several years. His project DANCER INSIDE is supported by CID Paris Section
During the event, several ballet performances will be held by dancers of prestigious ballet Companies, accompanied by the pianist live music solo. The project DANCER INSIDE was presented already in the Palais des Nations in ONUG Geneva on 2020
The project "DANCER INSIDE" represents Ghera’s personal work and contains images of dancers from different countries, companies and academies, taken over several years (since 2008) during rehearsals and classes, backstage, outdoor locations based in significant architectural and historical premises. Each photograph represents the combination of two opposed but linked elements, which are the pillars of his project: Architecture and Dance. On one hand, Architecture embodies the cultural identity, the history, the geography, the religion of each place which is unique and different from all the other ones. On the other hand, Dance is a universal language that overcomes the national and cultural boundaries and can be understood by everyone. The combination of these two elements creates a synergetic work of art that aims at spreading the cultural diversity of the world through the universal language of dancers. The beauty of the world lies in its diversity and the artistic communication enables the public to understand it and appreciate it. This is the message that Ghera’s photographs want to convey, matching very well the overall mission of the United Nations and the diversity of its people. In particular in this very occasion, the performance of the ballerinas with their agility, elegance and lightness will be very inspirational for the staff working in Human Resources Management.
30th November 2022
NBCC and the NBCC Foundation invite you to join us for our third international digital conference, Mental Health Connections: Building a Global Counseling Community. This conference highlights education, training, practice, and research to expand the counseling profession and mental health services worldwide. A community of mutual learning and collaboration must consider individual, community, cultural, and national differences. Participants will learn through an international lens as speakers from across the globe share insights on current or prospective initiatives for developing the future of the profession.
Learning Objectives
Participants will learn about the state of counseling and mental health outside of the United States.
Participants will learn about initiatives in education, training, practice, and research that build community and mutual learning
Participants will gain familiarity with challenges in counseling professionalization and mental health service provision in communities worldwide.
24th November 2022
The UIA Associations Round Tables promote, facilitate and enable expanded dynamism in the work of international associations. In each of their varied and attractive locations, the Round Tables focus on structured training, educational and networking opportunities. They are famous for opening up the mind and the senses to local cultural events; they invariably provide outstanding food and beverage experiences. The UIA Associations Round Table Europe 2022 is an event designed for participants working in and with international associations, and we hope to see many of you in Rotterdam!
What you can expect:
• presentations on common challenges by peers working in international associations and by experts
• discussions in workshops and break-out rooms with the chance to ask in-depth questions and to share and exchange knowledge and experience
• UIA team members will moderate the sessions throughout, guiding and assisting the delegates
• networking breaks, lunches, dinner
• three exciting tours to discover Rotterdam Please, see all the topics of the programme and the schedule below:
ABSS Global council of Art & Culture in Association with Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation-NEPAL & National Commission of UNESCO- NEPAL organizes 11th Cultural Olympiad of Performing Arts 2022 a Cultural forum of Multilingual Drama, Dance, Music and Instrumental Fest/Contest.
Last Date of Registration - 30th Oct 2022
Every year on October 17, the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, people come together across the world to listen to those living in poverty and to reaffirm the collective commitment to end poverty.
This year, a high-level UN commemorative event is taking place in New York. You can attend in person or virtually.
30 May 2022
Re-imagining a STEM Research Culture: Lessons learnt from 20 years of evolution for inclusive representation in science and engineering. This is a collaborative project between the International Network of Women Engineers and Scientists (INWES) and the University of Warwick, UK.
31 Aug - 8 Sept 2022
The training focuses on equipping 30 youth workers from 4 EU countries (Belgium, France, Romania and Bulgaria) as well as members from all Europe from the YMCA Europe and CCIVS networks with the skills and tools needed to better access and serve young people through digital youth work, especially marginalised young people. This training will be held in Bansko, Bulgaria.
19 May 2022
Dr Barbara Rogoff (University of California-Santa Cruz) will present on her research on the organisation of Indigenous families of the Americas. Our second presenter, Carolina Cerezuela, is involved in The Ananda Learning Center in a Zapotec village in the southern highlands of Oaxaca, Mexico – where they offer Montessori education to the children of the local community and children from families who have moved to the village.
8 June 2022
On the occasion of the INTERNATIONAL OCEANS DAY - SAILING #Art4GlobalGoals, the unique art-show and awareness campaign for the SDGs, uses sails instad of canvas for the artist's interpretation of the SDGs and will take place at UNESCO Headquarters on June 8, 2022 from 6-8pm (on invitation only). At the same time and during the whole day, the graphic editions of these unique art pieces are visible at the 7th floor Restaurant of UNESCO.
17 August 2021
This year, the Mondial du Théâtre, an Amateur Theater festival, welcomes fifteen international troupes in Monaco from August 17 to 22. On this occasion, AITA / IATA will hold its 37th General Assembly with the election of its president and the renewal of its Council. Conferences and workshops will be offered to festival-goers.
13 November 2021
Official partner of Unesco, the NGO Association Nationale Cultures du Monde is recognized for its actions towards ICH, and for the Festival organized each year in July in Gannat. We are aware, within our association, of the importance of contributing to the safeguard and promotion of ICH as a determining factor in the maintenance of cultural diversity
14 June 2021
Linguistic and cultural diversity become more and more evident everywhere, but their importance, their scope and their implications are often neglected. For this reason we invite you to join our course, in which we approach linguistic diversity and multilingualism both from a theoretical point of view and from a perspective aimed to help understand and manage various elements that emerge from diversity in different environments of social interaction.
28 September 2021
SDG Dialogueforum Austria “Building forward better with Agenda 2030″ on the theme ‘Together for sustainable development after Covid-19’ is an event co-hosted by the Ban Ki-moon Centre, SDG Watch Austria and the Austrian inter-ministerial Working Party on Agenda 2030. It will discuss the implementation of the Agenda 2030 in Austria, as well as putting emphasis on four focus areas with Innovation pools on “Digitalization”, “Women, youth and ‘leaving no one behind’”, climate action and adaptation to climate change, and Austria in the global context.
8-10 December 2021
The intersections of social determinants of health, economic stability, community status, and access to health services and education, are essential considerations for counselors and other mental health professionals. These intersections impact public awareness, stigma, and the engagement of mental health professionals in their practice, training, and research. Better understanding of these critical intersections can serve as a powerful mobilizer of efforts to expand health equity in global communities. These considerations are the underpinnings of NBCC’s second digital international conference.
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NGO-UNESCO Liaison Committee
Maison des ONG
1, rue Miollis
75732 Paris Cedex 15
+33 1 45 68 36 68